CAM Menopause Pilates Equipment- Seoul S. Korea
Taught by Lee Hyun Jung
Category: Pilates for Menopause™
Course description
This course contains innovative and progressive exercises on the Pilates Cadillac, Reformer and Chair that follow the Center’s concepts of MORE aimed at improving the health and wellness of the menopause years.
Continuing education credits
8 NPCP– National Pilates Certification Program
6 PAA– Pilates Alliance Australasia
Course objectives
You will gain a deep understanding of
- How to create Pilates based exercises on the Cadillac, Reformer and Chair to accommodate the changes in the menopausal body.
- The exercise concepts of MORE, adding more spring tension, more innovative exercises, and more endurance to the program.
- The need to challenge this population with movement that encourages strength, balance and brain power.
Course Outline
Practical only
- Implementing the menopause exercise concepts of MORE on the Pilates Cadillac, Reformer and Chair
- Designing programs that include brain teasers, weight bearing and balance exercises
- The pelvic and pelvic floor form the foundation for all exercises designed
- Hip and shoulder work is emphasised
- Enjoying innovative and creative choreography on the Cadillac, Reformer and Chair
- Includes Rocking and Rolling to Release elements on the Pilates Equipment to address the stiffness created by the decrease of female hormones.
Event Details
Date: June 20, 2025
Start time: 09:00
End time: 05:00
Venue: E Pilates Center
Directions: Seoul, S. Korea Contact the studio to sign up: Lee Hyun Jung
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