The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery

Our Diastasis Recti Recovery track offers you a comprehensive and holistic approach to designing and teaching the client with diastasis recti.

Instructor testing for Diastasis Recti

The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery Specialist™ Certification can be completed in-person/livestream or as an on-demand online course. The certification is suitable for Fitness, Yoga and Pilates instructors.

Modules required to complete The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery Specialist™ Certification in this order:

The Combined Modules in the The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery Specialist™ Certification Will:

  • Allow you to guide your client through release techniques that will help with restrictions and tension created by trauma. Since we now know that DR is primarily a fascial dysfunction, the Rocking and Rolling to Release™ course will offer you releases that have been shown to aid in the recovery of a DR.
  • Support your Floor™ – our Pelvic Floor course takes you through the anatomy and physiology of the PF and informs you of the normal functioning of a healthy pelvic floor. The PF and Abdominal wall function as a unit and having a greater understanding of the pelvic floor will inform you as to the function and /or dysfunction of the abdominals, especially if the client has a diastasis recti. This course will lay the foundation of the fascial connections through the PF into the abdominal wall and beyond.
  • The Diastasis Recti Recovery module will connect the dots to create a whole body solution to the problem of DR. This course will give you the protocols and necessary rehabilitative exercises needed to begin the journey back to health. The combined modules offer a more comprehensive perspective for healing this condition.

Requirements to Complete Specialist Certification

  • Coursework completed, online or in-person
  • Quiz after each module
  • 10 self-practice hours (log books submitted after each module)
  • 10 hours of teaching practice (log books submitted after each module)
  • 1 self practice video submitted after each module
  • 1 teaching practice video submitted after each module

Start The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery Specialist™ Certification

Complete Your Certification Online

The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery Specialist™

Modules included:

  • Rocking and Rolling to Release™
  • Support your Floor™
  • The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery™

Live- USD1380 includes all material

Register Now

Complete Your Certification In-Person/Livestream

If you want to start certification in-person/livestream please register for individual modules on our Live Events Calendar. All modules for this certification need to be taken in order listed above to successfully complete the program.