Pre and Postnatal Pilates Equipment- This teacher has completed all course work and assignments required and is able to instruct the pre and postnatal client on Pilates equipment Health and Exercise/Pilates for Menopause Mat Theory and Practical- This teacher has completed all course work and assignments required and is able to instruct their client in basic mat work/group exercise for their clients going through menopause The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery™- This teacher has completed all course work and assignments required and is now able to provide basic restorative exercises for their clients Pre and Postnatal Mat Theory and Practical- This teacher has completed all course work and assignments required and has basic knowledge of the pre and postnatal client in a group exercise setting Rocking and Rolling to Release™- This teacher has completed all course work and assignments required and is now qualified to teach myofascial release techniques to their clients Support Your Floor™-This teacher has completed all course work and assignments required and is now qualified to teach pelvic floor health exercise to their clients