Carolyne's Blog

Life Changes

As most of you now know, my new web site is up and running. Of course there have been glitches and hiccups but that’s all …

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Pilates Workshops

Just like any other Pilates instructor, I am always on the lookout for continuing education, especially in Women’s Health issues. I have attended a considerable …

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A Mother's Journey

I know this has nothing to do with Pilates but everything to do with being a mother. My daughter spent the last month in Ecuador as part of an organisation called International Student Volunteers.The run up to the time she left

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A Pilates Journey

I am back. Not that anyone except my cat noticed. Now he will get fed again. I went to Australia to teach.

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A Pilates Home Studio

I very often get asked about having a studio in my home. Some think it’s the best thing since sliced bread and others are aghast at the thought. I started my studio in the basement of my house in 1994. I was the mother of two young children ages 6 and 3. My professional dance career had

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Post-Natal Rehabilitation: Week 1

There is so much information out there today for what,how,and when you should exercise during your pregnancy.Everyone concentrates on getting you ready for the marathon …

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Musings for Today

My journey into Pilates did not begin with an injury. I have been very lucky in that for most of my life, I have been …

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